How did the pangolin become endangered?

Some pangolins are becoming endangered or have gone extinct because they were not able to adopt to the changing environment. But the largest reason for the pangolin being endangered is humans. They are the most poached mammal in the world. In many African and Asian countries people poach their scales, and use them for traditional medicine, fashion, or to eat as a high end cuisine. In February 2019 30 tons of poached pangolin scales were seized in Malaysia.

Why should we care about the pangolin?

Because pangolins have a huge appetite they keep all of the pests in check, it is estimated that pangolins eat 70 million insects annually. Without pangolins Asia and Africa would be overrun with insects.

What can we do to save pangolins?

Surprisingly a lot of pangolin products are sold in the U.S. If you see products such as pangolin medicine, pangolin wine, pangolin jewelry, and pangolin scales or leather please do not buy them. You could also spread the word about pangolins, this has directly led to more support for policy reform, scientific research, and more conservation efforts. You could also donate to multiple organizations that help pangolins.

What organizations are helping pangolins?

A conservation group known as Save Pangolins helps spread the word on pangolins and trains wildlife authorities and rangers on how best to protect pangolins. Another organization known as IFAW has helped the pangolins get into Appendix I of CITES in 2016 which means that the pangolin now has the strictest level of protection from international trade. WCS or the Wildlife Conservation Society helps law enforcement officials arrest and prosecute illegal traders who ship thousands of pangolins.